About My Portfolio

Dear Reader,
Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Emily Holland, and I am a senior at Elon University double majoring in Strategic Communications and Professional Writing & Rhetoric with a minor in Spanish. I plan to work in public relations or digital marketing, preferably in the nonprofit or entertainment sector, after I graduate with my B.A. in May 2022.
My portfolio contains both writing-heavy and digital-design-based samples from my courses in both my majors over the past four years, my undergraduate research in PWR, my two semesters as the Social Media Intern for Elon's PWR Program, and my summer communications internship with Discover Books (an online used book distributor based in Toledo, OH). I put my samples together on Wix because I have constructed and contributed to several websites using the same platform in the past. Also, I find the interface on Wix to be comfortable to use and the customizable features to be nicely varied but not overwhelming, as I have less experience with website building than with other types of multimedia content creation (graphic design, video production, etc.).
I developed a love of writing in high school and hoped to continue to sharpen my writing abilities in college through my courses and internships. Most of my writing over the past four years has gravitated toward digital marketing genres such as email campaigns, organizational blog posts, and social media graphics. Discovering my skills in writing for marketing solidified my career plans, and in turn, my desire to work in PR/digital marketing pushed me to continue exploring refining my abilities in these genres. Since I have so many samples in marketing genres from both my internships and my classes, I divided them into the categories of Marketing Writing (long-form, content-heavy pieces) and Multimedia Writing (pieces that generally have less text and more design components).
Despite developing an identity in digital marketing throughout my time as a PWR major, I felt as though my portfolio would not be complete without a Research Writing section. I have spent more than half my time in college doing writing-related research, especially related to the Writing Center, where I have worked since my first year at Elon and now serve as a Lead Consultant. While I am uncertain if, when, and how writing- and education-based research would figure into my career, it has shaped my time in college and allowed me to explore new forms of writing and collaboration.
Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!
All the best,
Emily Patricia Holland